Click on each picture, answer the questions and send the form.
Ancient History 

Ancient History in Spain
 Ancient history in Spain
Roman life


World physical map

World political map                 World political map

Interactive maps:
                                       - Continents and oceans in the world
                          - Main mountains in Europe

El cuento

Este año (2012-2013) la semana cultural del colegio ha estado dedicada a los cuentos. Los alumnos/as de quinto hemos aprendido a hacer un kamishibai y hemos investigado un poco sobre los hermanos Grimm, aquí está el resultado:


Publish at Calameo or read more publications. 
Trabajo sobre los hermanos Grimm


Food and a healthy diet 

-Food pyramid-audiofacts

-Matching groups food

- Groups of food- activity

-Healthy eating information

-A balanced plate


-A healthy lunch-box 

-Food matching


Tema: El respeto y cuidado del medio ambiente

La lluvia ácida

La lluvia ácida para niños




Facts about animals


Unit 1- Matter and  materials

1.1- Sorting materials

1.2- Classifying materials

1.3- Properties of materials

1.4- Classifying 

1.5- States of matter   


1.6- Pure substances and mixtures

1.7- Reversible and irreversible changes 

      1.7.1- Mixtures

1.8- Separating techniques


Unit 2- Energy 

Electricity from a power plant to our home

- A power station

-Distribution of electricity

- Electricity journey


Your city needs energy! Now it's your job to build the right combination of power plants and bring it up to full power.

Acid-rain tale

 Saving energy

 2.0- Key concepts

2.1- We need energy

2.2- Saving energy activity